Saturday, June 29, 2019

Merchants Guide Getting Funds Fast | Fast Merchant Processor Service Provider

Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster – After the customer has made the payment, the amount paid is put under the review and it generally takes 1-2 business days to actually credit into the Merchant Account. The time between the transaction and addition of amount in the merchant account is called funding time. And the process is called funding.

A merchant wants quick funding because after the funding the merchant is allowed to use that money for investment or another purpose. This is an application in case of the digital money transaction. The cash transaction is free from funding, as the money is instantly available for the merchant to use or invest.

Minimize the Processing Time

The processing is the major step that takes most of the time. Additionally, if the processing time can be reduced, the merchant will get the money in no time. Let’s start the Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster with the fast processing.

Choose Processor with Fast Funding – There are a number of merchant service providers in the market. They offer different attractive schemes to the merchant to sell their service. But a merchant should choose the processor that takes the least time to process the transaction without breaching any security rules.

Avoid Card-Not-Present Transaction – The payment made with the means that do not ensure that card was not present at the time of the purchase can take more time to process. Use transaction with a magnetic stripe swipe or EMV chip to process the transaction faster as these ensure the Card-Present transactions.

Reduce Number of Chargebacks– If a merchant is titled with a great many numbers of chargeback. Then the transactions of that merchant will take extra time to process to avoid any illegal activity. Use the chargeback proof method of transactions for the business.

Do not Cross the Processing Limit – Each merchant service provider offer the weekly or monthly processing limit to the merchant. If the merchant crosses this limit then those transactions will not be processed.

Choose the Processor with effective 24/7 Support – If there are issues with the transaction processing then make sure your merchant processor offers the support to help with your processing error.

If you need more tricks to reduce the processing time depending on your business then you can contact Merchant Stronghold and talk to an expert. Call us at the toll-free number +1 (888) 622 – 6875 and talk to an expert to get answers to your questions.

Processors That Offers Fast Funding

Here is the list of the merchants that offer fast processing and funding along with other services. This is the Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster with the Fast Processor.

Paypal– If you have a Paypal Account then you can access the funds almost immediately after the transaction. Moreover, if you own a PayPal debit card then the funds can be used on expenses. The money transfer to a bank account can take up to 5 business days.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Steps you need to consider while selecting a merchant service provider

We will try to focus on some important factors that can help you to choose the best merchant service provider for your business.

1. Clear and Transparent Fee Rates

This is the most important thing to study before selecting a merchant account. Many times, a provider will charge you very less processing fees to entice you to open an account with them but may charge very high fees in the name of other fees. A PCI fee is one such fee that a merchant has to pay to safeguard both merchant’s and customer’s account information. So, you need to consider all the rates and then finally choose the best merchant service provider with transparent fees structure.

2. Study the Fraud Detection Program

We have seen a lot of evidence of fraud happening in the cyber world in recent times. Fraudsters are now moving toward the small and medium-sized merchants because they are considered to be an ‘easy target’. So, one needs to be aware of the data breach security program covered by the service provider.

3. Stay Away from the Misleading Advertisement

Advertisement can really be a disguise. The basic idea of an advertisement is to enlighten customers about a company’s product with proper information. But it doesn’t seem to be happening all of the time. Many times companies hire individuals’ agents having no relevant educational background or no interest. Well, there are other reasons too, which led them to promote their product in a non-transparent way. So, try not to fall into any such trap. Conduct proper internet research and choose the best merchant service provider, which fulfills all of your needs.

4. Post-Sales Customer Service Assistance

It’s not just about your hardware or software products that you require a customer service assistance after the purchase of the product, customer service for presales and post-sales is required for almost each and everything that we buy or buy from. It can be in various forms. Some companies will assist through email and chat, some may even provide you with a dedicated representative for your account.

5. Ask the Average Fund Processing Time

You might miss this thing while you are seeking information about various other things related to your provider. But a predictable time is always very necessary to have an idea to have a proper cash flow. So, if you are into any such business, which requires a continuous fund transfer then research about the average time and chooses the best merchant service provider accordingly.

6. Software Compatibility to Manage your Data Digitally

Gone are the days when you need a separate rack to store your sales receipt as today is the day of the cloud-based system. It stores our data digitally without even consuming any memory. All you need to have is an internet connection and an electronic gadget and you can trace your data from anywhere in the world. There is much software in the online market for the same purpose. Virtual terminals,, CDGcommerce are few names.

7. History of the Merchant Account Provider

Last but not least, you need to figure out the behavior of the merchant account provider with the proper market research. Proper market research will guide you in terms of examining the previous background of the provider. So, we hope that this article will give you a good idea on how to choose the best merchant service provider for your business.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Merchant Account Solution for Debt Consulting Business

You’ve opened your debt consulting business. First things first you must have a merchant account. A credit card processor will be an integral part of keeping your business functional. It may take your business to new heights. It would allow you to generate payments and to get more and more clients. In simple terms, we can say, if you are doing business with merchant account then you will be able to get payments from your customer and clients through your merchant account. Your business can run smoothly.

How To Get a Merchant Account?
  • Be aware of fraud or scam.
  • Be assured for the type of accepting payments through credit cards.
  • Search for merchant account providers and compare charges of each of them.
  • Check if the merchant service provider giving the payment gateway or not
  • (if they do then, we recommend you to go with them without any second thought.)
  • Prepare an application and attach all the documents along in an impressive way.

Now you see how simple it is to create a merchant account, you can have this by investing just a little of your time.
Merchant Stronghold is always here to help merchants to get a merchant account.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

How to Compare Merchant Account Providers

Nоw thаt you have аn idea of hоw you wаnt thе mеrсhаnt ассоunt tо wоrk for уоur business, it’ѕ time to compare merchant account providers. Sоmе points you’ll wаnt tо consider whеn ѕеlесting an mеrсhаnt ассоunt inсludе:

Merchant Aссоunt Trаnѕасtiоn Fееѕ:  There аrе twо common tуреѕ оf fees fоr credit саrdѕ trаnѕасtiоnѕ.

An flаt rаtе you gеt сhаrgеd for each сrеdit саrd рауmеnt that iѕ processed.

A реrсеntаgе fее bаѕеd on the tоtаl аmоunt оf еасh trаnѕасtiоn.*

*Fоr the реrсеntаgе fee, mаnу mеrсhаnt ассоunt рrоvidеrѕ uѕе a tiered pricing system based on hоw “ԛuаlifiеd” a trаnѕасtiоn iѕ for a раrtiсulаr rаtе. They will сlаѕѕifу these реrсеntаgе fееѕ intо thrее tiеrѕ of rаtеѕ, using vаriаblеѕ such аѕ:

Thе wау you ассерt the рауmеnt vѕ. the рrimаrу wау your mеrсhаnt ассоunt is ѕеt uр to ассерt рауmеnt)

If the саrd iѕ rewards саrd

If thе саrd is рrеѕеnt оr not

Some providers mау hаvе diffеrеnt реrсеntаgе fееѕ bаѕеd оn thе volume thаt you рrосеѕѕ

It’s imроrtаnt tо gаthеr аll thе dеtаilѕ on these rates аnd does some rоugh саlсulаtiоnѕ with ~50% of уоur trаnѕасtiоnѕ falling intо thе highеr tiers to gеt a сlеаr рiсturе оf whаt you will likеlу be paying in fееѕ.

Othеr Merchant Aссоunt Fееѕ: Thеrе саn bе many other fees аѕѕосiаtеd with an mеrсhаnt ассоunt bеуоnd thе trаnѕасtiоnаl fees. Other fееѕ tо аѕk аbоut inсludе:

*Mоnthlу minimum fееѕ *Sеtuр fееѕ *Cаnсеllаtiоn fееѕ *Stаtеmеnt fees *Cuѕtоmеr ѕеrviсе fееѕ *Chargeback fееѕ *Bаtсh fееѕ *Annual fееѕ

It’ѕ imроrtаnt to understand аll оf thе finе рrint реrtаining tо thеѕе fееѕ up front so thеrе аrе no ѕurрriѕе costs along the way.

Evаluаting Mеrсhаnt Account Prоvidеrѕ Bеуоnd thе Fees:  Not аll mеrсhаnt accounts аrе сrеаtеd equal, so getting a holistic view upfront will bе critical tо уоur ѕаtiѕfасtiоn аnd long-term ѕuссеѕѕ with уоur mеrсhаnt account рrоvidеr.

How to Avoid TMF or Match Lists?

TMF, MATCH file, and GNF:

One of the most challenging things a merchant faces is going on the blacklist by the credit card companies, such as Visa/ Mastercard. This blacklist is famously known as “TMF or MATCH” list. This makes it very difficult to get a merchant account anywhere around the globe, especially, if it is a high-risk merchant account. Second to that is being put on the GNF list, which is Group Negative File. However, it is not as severe but has its own consequences.

Match file is like a blacklist that banks can cross-check when they take on a new business. The match is a system created and managed by MasterCard. It is a database that contains information about businesses, which have gone through the phase of a fraud or a chargeback and has been terminated for many reasons. Terminated Merchant File (TMF) is another term, which is coined by Visa is just a synonym of MATCH.

GNF, Group Negative File, is First Data’s internal list of businesses that they have had any kind of issue with them before and no longer want to do business with them. This might not be a fraud case; you might be listed on it because of the closing of your first data account.

Why are Merchants added to MATCH or TMF?

Having a huge number of chargebacks on a monthly basis.
The merchant owes money to the bank.
Merchant caught practicing fraudulent activity such as money laundering.
Illegal-product or Advertisement.
Disclosing information of profit to the customer.
All in all, violating the terms of a Merchant Account.

What should a Merchant do to avoid these lists?

Never try any kind of fraud from you as well as your teams end.
Pay the debts on time and try not to owe any money to the bank.
Decrease the number of chargebacks.
Get an expert who can manage these for you.

What to do to get off the Match List?

The only company that can get you off the list is the company that put you on it.
Mostly, the merchant only learns that their business is on the MATCH is when they apply for a merchant account with another merchant service provider.

You should reach out to the previous service provider and ask him about the reason, and you can be referred to the acquiring bank itself; you may have to make diligent calls and be patient in this situation.

If a business was placed on the MATCH for high chargeback ratio, the processor needs to know that they are not going to get stuck with bills from the merchant’s former customers chargebacks.

Getting with the wrong service provider who does not understand your business is way more harmful than getting on the TMF or MATCH itself.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Merchant Account for Document Preparation Services Business

1. DL

2. Personal Bank Statement

1. AOI
2. EIN
3. Business Bank Statements
4. Void Check or Bank Letter

A business can successfully grow if it has all kinds of required services. A credit card processor is one of those services. If you have business or organization which prepares documents or keeps the records in the written form, then you must, without any doubt, get a credit card processor for accepting payments.

How Does Credit Card Processor Work?

First of all the issuing bank issues the card to the card holder. The cardholder is often referred to as a consumer once the card has been used to pay for goods or services. The consumer then pays the required amount to the merchant in exchange for goods. 
Then this payment is accepted by a merchant bank or acquiring bank to complete the transaction. Though in this story the leading role is played by the payment processor or credit card processor which accepts the payment on the behalf of the merchant and his/her bank.

How Would It Help In Document Processing Businesses?

A credit card processor plays a vital role in any kind of business. If the company has the business of processing documents then a credit card processor will be worthwhile for the business. It can eradicate the efforts of merchants when it comes to being paid for their services. A couple clicks and any person can be your customer.

Online Sales And Ticket Booking Merchant Account

Booking a ticket or selling it online doesn't require payment gateway but all we need is a proper payment solution. In these fast times...